Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Boost Your Credit Score to 800+ in Just 5 Days: Proven Strategies

Here is a 150-word summary of the video in a professional tone, with bullet points, bold phrases, and headings: ## Understanding Credit Scores: Banker Misconceptions As a Credit Specialist, I've come to realize that many bankers don't fully understand the intricacies of credit scoring and underwriting processes. When discussing credit scores and loan approvals, they often provide inaccurate information. For example: - **Myth 1:** It takes a long time to achieve an 800 credit score. In reality, you can get an 800 credit score within 30-45 days with just one good authorized user account. - **Myth 2:** Having an 800 credit score will automatically get you approved for a loan. This is not true, as banks also consider your debt-to-income ratio, and may deny loans even with an excellent credit score. To build an 800 credit score, the key factors are: - Maintaining low credit utilization (under 10%) across **3 open revolving accounts** - Having **at least one loan** on your credit file Additionally, it's important to understand the differences between FICO and Vantage scores, as well as how different institutions may pull from different credit bureaus.

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